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Showing posts from February, 2012

Indonesian Tropical Fruits You Must Know

Indonesia has many kinds of tropical fruits, Some of them may be known for their deliciousness and their unique taste you would love.While in Indonesia you could find many kinds of fruits,in other places it's such a rarity to see one of these delicious fruit.Not everyone could see this potential that Indonesian tropical fruits would be accepted in every country of the world.Perhaps someday i would like to see a large scale fruit plantation in Indonesia. Here is the list of the most delicious tropical fruits you could find in Indonesia. 1. Mangosteen Called "manggis" in Indonesia, it is so sweet, smooth and juicy and somewhat has a slight sourness taste.Although it's called Mangosteen, it is important to note that it has absolutely nothing to do with a mango, a Mangosteen is not known to taste anything like mangoes,nor does it look like one. Have you ever heard that even Queen Victoria offered a prize for those who can bring back an edible Mangosteen to En